Treadmill VS Outdoor Running - Who Burns More Fat

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Treadmill VS Outdoor Running - Who Burns More Fat

Running environment makes difference between treadmill running and outdoor running. To combat the resistance your body encounters when you run in the open air, your body needs to run harder. In addition, the road outside is not as good as the treadmill, and the stride length will be larger in order to overcome some obstacles. As a result, running outdoors USES slightly more energy than running on a treadmill. But the difference is not huge. Running calories also depends on running speed, running time and other conditions.

The best time to run on a treadmill is 30 to 40 minutes. If you have other activities before you start running, you can reduce the amount of time you run, but it's best not to run less than 20 minutes. Men should run at 6.5 km/h and women at 5.5 km/h.

When running outdoors, you can vary your speed depending on how you run. When running fast, slow weight loss effect should be better than simple jogging much, and running process has change, more conducive to adhere to.

The pros and cons of running on a treadmill

Indoor running is less affected by the weather, the road condition is good, the possibility of sports accident is small. The treadmill is equipped with shock absorbers that protect the feet and knees. However, the air inside is cloudy. Moreover, after setting the speed of the treadmill, it can change from time to time. If the running pace does not match the speed set by the treadmill, it is easy to hurt the knee.

The advantages and disadvantages of outdoor running

The biggest limiting factor of outdoor running is the weather, the road slippery on rainy days, easy to slip, heat stroke in hot days. So be sure to check the weather before going outside for a run, so that you will not lose more than you gain. Weather is both a disadvantage and an advantage of outdoor running. Running outdoors on a good day can provide fresh air. The pace of outdoor running is self-adjusting, the pace of running is easy to grasp, it is easier to run.

I prefer to outdoor sport. I like enjoying natural scenery when sweating. Pack the sport gears (a running fanny bag, a backpark seems super convenient), and go out to enjoy nature every weekend.